Are Gutter Inspections Important?

Darren • May 11, 2023

Gutter cleaning services are a tough job for anyone and can require roof work as well as ladder use. Although important dangerous, If clogged gutters freeze, it will increase the weight of your gutter system and can damage your home…How would you know if you might have clogged gutters?

1. Visible debris in gutters – Often you can just look at your Gutters and see the debris in them ready to be removed. If this debris is left, it will break down into small pieces, and combine to form a mud like substance that will clog the gutters requiring a more in-depth cleaning. This issue as mentioned can be problematic, and is often the first indication that a more in depth cleaning must happen promptly. Visible debris can range from Leaves and twigs, to insects, full fledged plants, and even full on birds nests. All of these things can be found in gutters, and are often discovered during Gutter cleaning services. Because of the weight of Broken down debris, damage can result to the gutters and can cause them to separate from the roof. Often, the angle or perspective at which you look at the gutters can also tell you about the contents as well. If from a standing perspective you cannot see much, it doesn’t mean that the gutters are clear. As mentioned, when debris breaks down and forms into a mud-like silt substance, it reduces in size and concentrates to form a clogging substance that hardens in place over time.

Leaking Gutters may not seem like a big problem, but can be destructive or property, cause flooding, and increased risk of foundation damage

2. Gutter leaking – At times you can actually see the leakage coming from the Gutters as a tell-tale sign that the Gutters are indeed clogged and not allowing water to drain properly. Normally this process starts with a couple drops of water. This may not be the most noticeable action at first, but overtime can be a larger issue resulting in more and more water dripping off of the gutters and not reaching the downspouts. Leaking can cause flooding and flooding can cause damage to your property and foundation. Leaking is another issue as over time can contribute to erosion in areas that might not be designed for it. Erosion is one of the biggest factors to remember when it comes to causes for property damage in rainy seasons. When water floods the areas and pools near foundation and other areas of porous materials, the water can begin moving through the foundation, breaking pieces off and moving inside the property causing internal flooding. Gutter leaking can be fixed by repairing any holes to gutters, replacing rusted gutters, but most importantly, regularly scheduling gutter cleaning services.

Keep Downspout are drain pipes clear of debris. Carefully remove these pipes to verify clear pathway for water to travel. Use an auger or pressure washer to clear out these pipes and drains.

3. Downspout malfunction – The Downspout is in charge of moving the water from the gutters down and away from the property. Why is that so important? Well one of the most important reasons is that the issues caused by flooding can be avoided. If you see a lot of Gutter leaking, its likely that your downspouts are blocked by something. It could be pieces of roofing. It could be debris that made a dam inside the gutters blocking a clear flow to the drain. During our gutter cleaning services inspection, we’ve seen birds nests, leaves, plants, insect nests and dead animals in the gutters which can cause blockages as well. Some families get down spout drain caps to ensure that the downspout is never blocked and always has access to water to drain. Due to the turning and twisting of the downspout drain pipes, it can be quite the challenge to see where the clog is located in order to clear it and get things working the way they should. Here at Soft Water Window Cleaning, we use an auger or high pressured water to blast or churn through heavy debris inside the downspout. this can be a messy process, so it might e easier to hire someone to do this process for you.

Foundation cracks and damage can happen when flooding occurs. There is also a danger with increased flooding outside, increased chances of flooding inside a property.

4. Foundation cracking – This is a telltale sign that you have a drainage problem on your hands. IF your foundation is cracking, it can be due to many different things. If you occasionally see flooding, there is a good chance that you have some sort of problem with drainage that needs to be addressed. Water drainage issues can take on many different properties, but small cracks in your foundation, due to water flooding and erosion, can be a serious problem. What to do if you see foundation damage? Call a professional right away to assess the damage and fix the foundation cracks. Often, sealing the foundation can prevent the spread of mold and save you on remediation services in the future.

This is a clear indication that your Gutters are not performing the way they should. There are several steps you can take to ensure that you are getting the best use out of your roof drainage gutter system.

5. Roof water runoff – A waterfall on your roof is not normal! This can be the result of many different things, but 1-3 above can definitely contribute to the issues Visible debris in the gutters, Downspout malfunction, and Gutter leaking all play a part in keeping as much water off of your property as possible. But if one of these things goes unnoticed, you may have severe water runoff happening on your property. Remember, the idea is to get water away from your property all together. Many times, people only seek professional help when they see roof water runoff, but it doesn’t have to be that late. Signs such as the ones listed previously, should be the first indications of the need to get your gutters professionally cleaned. Most customers get gutter cleaning twice per year. once in the fall and once toward the end of the spring. Contact us today to see how we can affordably protect your foundation and keep your gutters clear today!

Call a licensed and insured professional to vacuum your Gutters at (678) 802-9290 We provide photos of your gutters to show you how clean they are. Soft Water window cleaning specializes in the cleaning of Windows all year round. While we primarily work with window cleaning, we also operate a Gutter cleaning vacuum service. It seems like an easy task, to just get up there and clean your own gutters, but most times, prices starting at $80 and just too good to miss.

Let us get you a quote today to clean your gutters.

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